Our Partners
Local Authorities
North Lincolnshire Council North East Lincolnshire Council
North Lincolnshire Council is the unitary authority for North East Lincolnshire Council maintains the Housing
North Lincolnshire. As well as delivering local social Register for Home Choice Lincs as the lead authority
services it also provides housing advice and for the scheme.
homelessness services.
The council also offers free, confidential and impartial
In partnership with housing associations and the advice and assistance to residents who have other
Homes & Community Agency the council aims to housing needs. The main aim is to reduce and prevent
make sure the local community has access to homelessness in North East Lincolnshire whilst making
affordable homes that meet the local needs. sure your current home is suitable and you are able to
manage your tenancy.
Website: www.northlincs.gov.uk Website: www.nelincs.gov.uk
Tel: 01724 297000 Tel: 01472 326296 option 2
Facebook: www.facebook.com/northlincscouncil E-mail: info@homechoicelincs.org.uk
Twitter: www.twitter.com/NorthLincsCNews Twitter: www.twitter.com/nelcouncil
Housing Associations
We rent houses and flats across North Lincolnshire Shoreline Housing Partnership and Boston Mayflower
and help people in their homes, with things like have united to form a new 12,700 home landlord -
repairs and improvements, or money and lifestyle known as Lincolnshire Housing Partnership.
We also work with lots of agencies with one main Website: www.lincolnshirehp.com
aim, to create and sustain truly vibrant communities
where people have opportunities. Tel: 0345 604 1472
Website: www.ongo.co.uk Email: lettings@lincolnshirehp.com
Tel: 01724 279900
Email: enquiries@ongo.co.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Ongohomes
Twitter: twitter.com/ongoUK
We are a leading provider of affordable homes for Sanctuary Housing works in partnership with both public
rent and sale, as well as a specialist provider of and private sector organisations to provide quality and
retirement leasehold houses, and care and support affordable homes across North and North East Lincolnshire
services. We operate across the East and West
Midlands and the East of England. This includes rented accommodation for individuals and
families through to specialist flats and bungalows for the
We aim to provide an excellent customer service over 60s.
and an innovative approach to service delivery.
Our way of working, which we call the L&H way, Website: www.sanctuary-housing.co.uk
puts customers at the heart of everything we do
and encourages our people to try out new things. Tel: 0800 131 3348 or 0300 123 3511
Website: www.longhurst-group.org.uk Email: contactus@sanctuary-housing.co.uk
Tel: 0300 123 1745
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LandHHomes
Twitter: www.twitter.com/LandHHomes
Email: service.centre@longhurst-group.org.uk
We provide a wide range of services including care
and support, neighbourhood investment, housing
management and rental or ownership opportunities
to over 26,000 homes.
We are proud of the work we do, and see it as our
job to provide good quality homes and services that
will help our customers achieve their goals, ambitions
and aspirations.
We are continually working to build neighbourhoods
where people will want to live both now and in the future.
Website: www.guinnesspartnership.com
Tel: 0303 123 1890
Twitter: www.twitter.com/YourGuinness